When Your Pets Behave Outside Their Nature

When a dog behaves unnaturally in response to any neurotic, chaotic, or disruptive energy taken on from humans, he tends to look confused because he has nowhere to put the energy that is reverberating within him. He doesn’t really know why he is acting out, nor does his behavior make the least bit of sense to him.

This is not to say each animal doesn’t have unique personality traits or actions that appear to be very human-like. Again, as a human companion, you recognize your dog’s uniqueness daily. The important thing, and part of what my job entails, is to discern whether the energy around your dog’s behavior gives him joy and comfort, or confusion.

For example, a companion might say, :I don’t know why my dog scratches her face until it bleeds. We know she doesn’t have any allergies, and we have taken her to the vet all too often to inquire about this.” It bothers the dog companion when the animal’s display is puzzling. That’s when the animal is showing you that some sort of toxic energy has taken over, and the energy has been in the works, churning and churning over a certain amount of time. The dog is confused and in misery over it. So the initial reaction by the companion is to see if someone can fix it.

Identify the Problem

By all means I encourage a trip to your veterinarian for any sickness or for any symptom that needs to be checked. I am not suggesting that all unnatural behavior is only energy-related and shouldn’t be under the care of a qualified professional veterinarian. What I am suggesting is that no matter what may ail the animal, even one that is being treated medically, the condition is often easier for the animal to bear if we also remove the disruptive energy that could have contributed to it.

I am sure there are many animal companions reading this who are thinking back to certain moments they had with their dogs, cats, or other pets—when they were first told by the animal that the animal was being pushed out of their natural state. The animal looked to the human companions to listen in order to connect. It’s important to note that we cannot over analyze or get technical here about how we understand if our animal has moved out of its natural state. That’s just not going to work.

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When one asks me how I know when an animal, in this case a dog, moves out of its natural state, I will always ask this: “How aware are you of yourself when you move out of your natural state?” It is often so easy for the human being to say, “I am just not feeling myself the last few days.” You notice that your energy level is low, perhaps you are acting in ways you don’t normally act, and that is confusing you. That is easy to identify, right? You want to give the time to be aware of yourself.

Being Aware Is the Key

In this case, being aware is your key to being aware of when your dog moves out of its natural state. It takes just a few extra moments to really notice that your dog has veered into a space that seems perplexing or out of the ordinary, no matter what the change is. Dogs do not sway in and out of a natural state effortlessly, as humans do. Therefore, it is easier to see if your dog has in any way started to act erratically if you are connected to your animal. It is no different than when you notice that your own energy is different.

Here’s an example. Your temperament has changed due to everyday stress, or a large workload, or anything that might throw you off kilter, and you never do anything about it. You just give the excuse, “It’s a tough week, and I’m a little out of sorts.” I will guarantee you that your animal will feel that change in energy. You will notice that he may be a little more highly activated when you come home (or, in the same condition as you are).

If your animal is a dog, he may take on one or two new little tendencies that you have not noticed before (such as behaving more aggressively, being more destructive, getting into the trash, or chewing household items excessively). All of this is general mischievous destructive behavior that is annoying to a human and which you cannot help but notice.

What Is Wrong with My Dog?

Now, if this is not “usual behavior” for the animal, the first finger of blame points to the dog. “What is wrong with my dog?” you say. In response to that, your erratic behavior, your change of schedule, and how you are handling the stresses in your life are affecting your dog’s natural state—which is unobstructed and certainly not erratic.

I will say this: now is not the time to beat yourself up over this. Do not let your mind run through all the times you may have neglected your animal or may have been living in a selfish, neglectful time of your life. “Why didn’t I see that or feel that?”

This is another wonderful lesson that animals teach us: to not beat yourself up over anything or go back to the past. The past is the past, nothing more. Animals do remember things, smells, and feelings, but that doesn’t hinder their progress to move forward and own the moment.

Copyright 2013 by Jocelyn Kessler. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of Hampton Roads Publishing Co.
Dist by Red Wheel Weiser, www.redwheelweiser.com

Article Source:

The Secret Language of Dogs: Stories From a Dog Psychic by Jocelyn Kessler.The Secret Language of Dogs: Stories From a Dog Psychic
by Jocelyn Kessler.

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About the Author

When Your Pets Behave Outside Their NatureJocelyn Kessler lives in Los Angeles and works both in California and New York with animals and their owners, including many high profile individuals. Part of her mission is to improve and ease the transition of all animals into a life of safety by increasing the awareness of their physical and spiritual needs. Her website is www.jocelynkessler.com.

View a video of Jocelyn working with a dog that has epilepsy: Humans and Their Animals: Delegating The Energy of The Mind.

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