Communicating with Yourself through a Synchronistic Event (SE)

Sometimes the best way to get what you need,
is to take from yourself what you already have.

When I was a child, I loved Star Trek. One of the nice futuristic touches in the show was the talking ship’s computer. You could ask a question into the seemingly empty air, and the starship would tell you the answer.

The computer controlled the starship. Your brain can do the same thing. Your mind is multi-dimensional. The frontal lobe “you,” is only a small part of the total mass of your brain. The rest of it is as alert and present as you are. Your starship talks back, too. It can use SEs (synchronistic events) as a language.

Synchronistic events not only reflect your thoughts, they allow you to communicate directly with the unconscious. Some people communicate with their unconscious by watching their dreams. You have the ability to communicate with your unconscious by creating SEs.

Synchronistic Events: Cooperative Partner of the Conscious

The unconscious can be a cooperative partner of the conscious. Many people have had the experience of not being able to find an answer to some problem or question, to remember some name or word. They forget about the question, then at some later time, the answer just pops into awareness while they are doing something else. You ask for the information, your computer lets you know when it finds it.

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Freudians said the unconscious was a dumping ground for unacceptable impulses, a psychic trash heap. The modern computational model of the brain is a clear improvement. It can demonstrate how your starship-quality computer works, in a general sense. Both models miss something essential. It’s alive! Seriously.

The unconscious is physically larger than the frontal lobes, it has better access to sensory information and memory, it follows many of your instructions, and it is constantly trying to communicate with you and do things for you, including communicating through creating synchronistic events. SEs reflect the totality of your mental processes. You can read the unconscious patterns of your mind, or talk to them, through SEs.

We are the path we walk. Much of the path is a story we are writing ourselves from moment to moment. You can use SEs to make alterations in the path you travel.

Synchronistic Events: Utilizing the Amazing Technology of Nature

Communicating with Yourself through a Synchronistic Event (SE)Nature has better technology than we do. You’re born with it. Your brain is a better computational system than any we can even remotely hope to design. We may have fusion reactors in about 70 years that can convert a few grams of matter into energy, enough to power a city. The sun is a natural fusion reactor. It has been converting 11 million tons of fuel a second into energy for billions of years. You already have a vessel capable of faster than light speeds. Your emotional and mental bodies are made of fields of energy that already exceed the speed of light. The thoughtforms you create with your thoughts, emotions, and attention are already traveling faster than space-time. They encompass it, locally.

You are already in your starship. SEs are the on-board computer telling you how the ship is functioning, waiting for your directions. Your spaceship doesn’t travel in anything as mundane as mere physical space. Your vessel transverses universes of probability. Forget about that pile of rocks at your feet. You are what you were dreaming of building all along.

Having A Relationship with Your Wider Self

So, here we are. You can play with synchronistic events, create your own, or use them to explore your innate connection with the one being you already are. As long as you don’t take yourself too seriously, SEs won’t either. SEs behave much like a good friend that way. SEs can tell you a lot about yourself you don’t necessarily see on your own.

Some of us are content with an amusing taste of unified consciousness. You may read this book out of curiosity, see a few SEs over the next weeks because you are paying attention, then lose interest, and the SEs will fade away. You may become interested in the possible use of SEs to provide you with things you desire. Or, like some of us, you might want to know just how deep this rabbit hole goes.

Unitive consciousness exists on a spectrum. At the shallow end of this pool is existence that knows nothing of interconnectedness. People can function quite well and fulfill their biological and genetic mandates without ever experiencing a real connection to their universe. You can worship the god of your choice, or cultural default, without ever realizing you are the object of your devotion.

Satori: A Full-Scale Synchronistic Event Experience

In slightly deeper waters, you can live in a universe in which your thoughts are reflected back to you in SE. This doesn’t mean you have the personal moment-to-moment experience of being a unified being. That experience, satori, is at the deep end of the pool. That experience requires a relationship which dissolves personal ego boundaries. It’s a very personal, intimate, and powerful ecstatic experience. Remarkably, if you can experience SE, satori is also within your range of consciousness.

Satori is a full-scale SE experience. In the usual run-of-the-mill SE, you experience a partial synchronization between your thoughts and the world around you. Consider this: what would happen if you could push the intensity and frequency of SEs to the most extreme imaginable limits? Imagine; every event and object in the universe falls into a perfectly synchronized SE around you. More than that, every thought that fabulous supercomputer in your head produces, suddenly synchronizes as well. The distinction between inner and outer worlds disappears as the pattern of each perfectly reflects the other. Satori. Hopefully, you won’t be driving when this happens.

©2012 by Kirby Surprise.
Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
New Page Books, a division of Career Press
800-227-3371. All rights reserved.

This article was adapted with permission from the book:

Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind
by Dr. Kirby Surprise.

Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind by Dr. Kirby Surprise.Synchronicity will show you how you already create events around you, and make you a conscious co-creator of your reality. Dr. Surprise describes the miracles of your brain's processes, merging the worlds of modern physics and ancient mysticism to reveal abilities you have always possessed, but which were not fully understood -- until now. Learn to make reality dance to the rhythms of your thoughts.

Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.

About the Author

Dr. Kirby Surprise, author of the book: Synchronicity -- The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your MindDr. Kirby Surprise received his doctorate in counseling psychology from the Institute for Integral Studies, and his masters in psychodynamic and transpersonal psychology from John F. Kennedy University. He works in an advanced outpatient program for the State of California. The inspiration for his current writing comes from his lifelong experiences with synchronistic events and interests in psychology, metaphysics, philosophy, history and science. Surprise is his original family name, and he has received more than a few interested comments on the coincidence of a book on synchronicity written by a psychologist named Dr. Surprise. For more information, visit