The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

I didn’t go to India to put on a Hindu costume; I got into Vedic teachings to uncover all the costumes I’d been wearing and to find out what I was at my core. The sacred literature of India...

  Front yards are a staple of many American neighborhoods. But to what extent do yards serve as a window into the people who tend them – and how they feel about their home, neighborhood and...

Everyone has been there. You get invited to something that you absolutely do not want to attend – a holiday party, a family cookout, an expensive trip. But doubts and anxieties creep into your...

The path of awakening is different for everyone, and the truth is that there is no set path, as each and every one of us is unique. In the same way, no two people will require the same level of...

The Academy Awards celebrated the film version of Oppenheimer's life – it took home seven Oscars – yet it dismally failed to address his decisive role in the decision to drop the bomb on...

Ssme have attempted to adapt and innovate in this hostile landscape. Yacouba Sawadogo is one of them. In a barren field in the village of Gourga, Yacouba and his family are hard at work...

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Stephanie Marohn
There is a metal metabolism defect, often present in autism, which makes mercury especially toxic for autistic children. Even with a normal system, an infant can't handle mercury. Bile is needed for t...
Estimates of how many people in the United States have autism vary widely. However, many professionals now acknowledge that we are in the midst of an epidemic of autism. In 1999, the Centers for Disea...
The fact that myths related to the obsolete view of autism as a mental illness persist reveals how well disseminated that view was. The persistence of all of these myths indicates the need for educati...
Bipolar disorder is a complex condition. No single factor is respon­sible for creating it, and no single therapeutic measure can reverse it. This means that you must discover what factors are involved...
Nutritional deficiencies and imbalances are a common feature in bipolar disorder and other “mental” illnesses. Correcting these often produces dramatic improvement. Unfortunately, nutrient status test...
The director had said the trainers "love" their elephants. "How could they treat them that way?" I asked. My question expanded to, "How can people do all the awful things they do to each other and to...
For some people, it is sufficient to clear the five basic groups, but most people with severe conditions such as bipolar disorder have more extensive allergies. The larger basic collection of allergen...